Tag: Ignition system
Inside a motorcycle HT lead and plug cap…
An often overlooked but critical part of a motorcycle ignition system is the HT lead and plug cap, if either of these fail the bike won’t run.
Inside a motorcycle ignition (spark plug) coil…
Motorcycle ignition coils play an important part in making the bike run, if they don’t work the bike won’t be able to produce a spark at the spark plug so the motorbike won’t run.
Combined spark plug caps and coils – What are they?
Motorcycle ignition (spark) systems have changed massively over the years from the early magneto/distributor mechanical type systems found on older 60’s and 70’s (and earlier) bikes, to the separate ignition coils found on many 80’s and 90’s bikes to the combined spark plug/coils (also called ‘coil on plug’ systems) found on modern bikes (first used…